The purpose of vibrocompressing line “Rifey – Universal M” is production of walling materials and a number of improvements based on semi-dry vibrocompressing. On replacing matrices, it is possible to readjust the equipment quickly for producing other types of products, besides, this procedure will take 1 hour maximum.
It is highly productive mechanical line suitable for the enterprises of medium capacity. It is adjustable and easy to control which allows loyalty to the operating staff qualification. The complex is rather compact: at the length of 7 m its width is 5 m, and height is 2.6 m.
“Rifey-Universal” line is characterized by good serviceability provided by unified abundant components and convenient access to each unit. Thus, the complex can be operated even in the regions with underdeveloped infrastructure of the building industry.
It should be noted that the line can operate in the independent mode which allows its installation and setting the production both at the building site and in field conditions. The only items required for operating the complex are the stable supply of water and electricity. For autonomous operation “Rifey-Universal” is equipped with all necessary units: a block making machine, a mixer, a batcher, a mixture loader, storage facilities, an electric cabinet and an oil-pumping station.
The line allows utilizing any materials available in the area as a filler: it can be ash, sand, slag, sawdust, bloating clay, ballast stone screenings. The chief requirement to the materials is the ability to gain and retain a definite shape after mixing with a binding agent (most often it is cement).
Technical characteristics:
Efficiency of the line during manufacture of
masonry block...................................................350 items per hour
baffler block .....................................................300 items per hour
paving slabs ......................................................11-15 m?/hour
product forming area .........................................390х790 mm
height of formed fabrications ...............................70-230 mm
installed capacity ...............................................18.7 kW
mass ................................................................4.6 t
staff .................................................................3-4 persons
The "RIFEY-Universal" line content
1. Volume batcher for astringent, aggregate and water
2. Mixing machine with volume of 300L
3. Conveyor for feed of mixture to a vibrocompressor storage bin
4. Vibrocompressor
5. Line operating desk
6. Oil pumping station
7. Electrical cabinet
8. Storage of pans with molded products
9. Pans holder
Certificate of Rifey Universal PDF 2087.71K
Assortment of manufactured building materials and products:
The line turns out building blocks including hollow ones, solid and shutter, decorative and cover stones, development elements, paving slabs of different geometry, border stones and lawn fences.
Design advantages of the line:
The line contains all assemblies essential for independent manufacture of products: vibrocompressor, batcher, mixing machine, mixture charger, accumulator, oil pumping station and electrical cabinet.
Easy operating and maintenance of the line doesn’t need a high proficiency of a staff.
Good repairability in virtue of convenient access and simplicity of disassembly of every unit, application of uniform and sufficient parts.
Powered charge of pans with molded products to removable accumulators.
High portability of the line: length – 5.9 m, width – 5 m, height – 2.6 m.
Possibility of quick (about 1 hour) realignment of the line to manufacturing of another type of production in virtue of matrixes change.
In June Mr Holder became the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress. He faced proceedings after the House Oversight Committee led its own investigation into operation.
Mr Breuer was criticised for not alerting his superiors in 2010 to flaws in a similar programme, known as Operation Wide Receiver, which started under former President George W Bush.
The US justice department has cited 14 people for possible disciplinary action for their roles in a botched gun-running operation.