700 000,00 руб.
Mechanical vibrocompressing line “Rifey -04” is comparatively simple, compact and reliable. It is designed to produce building blocks from low-slump concrete by cubic vibrocompressing: slag blocks, expanded clay blocks, sand blocks, and etc.
To provide autonomous work the complex is equipped with all necessary units: a block making machine, a mixer, a pump unit, a conveyor, a control unit. The installed mixer and conveyor provide reliability of the production process, and its continuity will depend only on the stability of electric power supply and availability of the required volume of filler and binding agents. Replacement of the shape-generating equipment allows rearranging production for making other types of products. This procedure is quick and easy, and requires 1 hour maximum.
Molds for stone production in “Rifey-04” are of specialized construction and are highly accurate. Thus, end products exhibit almost ideal shape and good effect. In the process of construction such building blocks are much quicker to lay and require less building mortar resulting in even walls with thin seams.
“Rifey-04” line is compact: its length is 5.5 m, width is 2.6 m, and height is 2.9 m. It is possible to install and operate the line both indoors and just under shelter with the ceiling height 3 m minimum. Just 150 m2 area is required to arrange the whole complex, and stocks for end products and raw materials. It is comparatively easy to operate and provide service, and does not require high-qualified staff.
Technical characteristics: .gif)
Efficiency of the line during manufacture of
masonry block..................................................150 items per hour
baffler block ....................................................220 items per hour
product forming area .......................................390х790 mm
height of formed fabrications .............................188 mm
installed capacity ..............................................15.6 kW
mass ..............................................................2.65 t
staff ...............................................................3-5 persons
"RIFEY-04" line content
1. Mixing machine
2. Charger
3. Vibrocompressor
4. Line operating desk
5. Pump unit
6. Electrical cabinet
7. Shelf stand
Certificate of Rifey 04 PDF 1350.87K
Assortment of manufactured building materials and products:
The line turns out building blocks including hollow, solid and baffler ones.
Design advantages of the line:
The line contains all assemblies essential for independent manufacture of products: vibrocompressor, batcher, mixing machine, mixture charger, oil pumping station and electrical cabinet. Easy operating and maintenance of the line doesn’t need a high proficiency of a staff.
Good repairability in virtue of convenient access and simplicity of disassembly of every unit, application of uniform and sufficient parts.
High portability of the line: length – 4.2 m, width – 3.75 m, height – 2.6 m.
Possibility of quick (about 1 hour) realignment of the line to manufacturing of another type of production in virtue of matrixes change.
In June Mr Holder became the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt of Congress. He faced proceedings after the House Oversight Committee led its own investigation into operation.
Mr Breuer was criticised for not alerting his superiors in 2010 to flaws in a similar programme, known as Operation Wide Receiver, which started under former President George W Bush.
The US justice department has cited 14 people for possible disciplinary action for their roles in a botched gun-running operation.